Catch flights & great food with our NEW menu items at our TWO Sky Harbor locations!
Try our Pie of the Month: Orchard Crumb!
Delicious & easy, the way catering should be. Check out our catering menu!
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We are committed to giving back, and we love supporting causes that strengthen our community. To be considered for a donation, your organization must be a non-profit that focuses on poverty and hunger relief, children’s wellness, women’s empowerment, literacy & education and animal advocacy. If you are fundraising for a school or nonprofit organization, consider hosting a Neighborhood Nights Fundraiser at your local Wildflower!
Please Note: Donation Request Form completion does not confirm your donation. If approved, we will be in touch within three business days with additional details. Only one donation per organization will be approved each year. Scrip Request: There is a $300 minimum order on all SCRIP orders. Orders may take up to one week to process. We will contact you within three business days with payment and processing information. You may choose to have scrip mailed to your address or pick-up at: 8130 E. Cactus Road, Suite 500. Scottsdale, AZ 85260
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